Textile Preview Textile Trends
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Black & White
The classic pairing of black and white adds sophistication to prints and graphic punch to knits and stripes.
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Natural Selection
Natural shades of beige and khaki—and soft versions of brighter hues—are warm neutral options for prints, patterns and knits.
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Net Benefits
Textile designers turn to net constructions and laser-cut designs to create plenty of options for everything from activewear to eveningwear.
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Sweater Weather
It’s always sweater weather with loose-knit fabrics, bouclés, French terry and highly textural textiles.
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Go for high gloss with foil-printed fabrics, metallic laces and reflective textiles.
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In the Purple
Shades of grape, violet and eggplant color sophisticated laces, floral prints and active knits.
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Indigo Inspiration
Denim—and denim-friendly fabrics—go sophisticated in deep shades of indigo and navy.
Alexander Henry Fabrics Inc., (818) 562-8200, www.ahfabrics.com
A Plus Fabrics Inc., (213) 746-1100, www.aplusfabricsusa.com
Artistic Milliners, 92 21 111-263-646, www.artisticmilliners.com
Asher Fabric Concepts, (323) 268-1218, www.asherconcepts.com
Cinergy Textiles Inc., (213) 748-4400, www.cinergytextiles.com
D&N Textiles Inc., (310) 503-6927, michael@dntextiles.com
Denim North America, (424) 212-2355, www.denimna.com/
Eclat Textiles Co. Ltd., (213) 624-2633, www.eclatusa.com
Fabric Selection Inc., (213) 747-6297, www.fabricselection.com
Jay Ann Fabrics Inc., (213) 622-8272, www.jayannfabrics.com
Robert Kaufman Fabrics, (800) 877-2066, www.robertkaufman.com
SAS Sport, (323) 277-5555, www.sastextiles.com
SAS Textiles, (323) 277-5555, www.sastextiles.com
Solid Stone Fabrics, (276) 634-0115, www.solidstonefabrics.com
Solstiss, (213) 688-9797, www.solstiss.com
Taiana Blu, 39 031994411, www.taiana.it
Texollini, (310) 537-3400, www.texollini.com
Tricots Liesse Inc., (818) 789- 0146, (213) 910-3896, www.tricots-liesse.com
Triple Textile Inc., (213) 629-4300, www.tripletextile.net