Good Denim Co.

Good Denim Co.


Good Denim Co.: Keep It Simple


Good Denim Co.

When consumers ask for a pair of good denim, Rob Goshen hopes they will find his new brand, called Good Denim Co.

The Los Angeles–headquartered and–manufactured brand took a bow at the LA Men’s Market, held Oct. 12–13 at the California Market Center.

“It’s a cool, generic name,” said Goshen, a veteran salesman. “But it’s very catchy. It’s good stuff that you can wear everyday.”

Goshen hopes that the new brand will stand out because it will be a solid, plain pair of pants. It won’t be trendy. It won’t be fancy. The young men’s pant will come in a standard, slim fit with eight washes, including indigo, charcoal, black, white and raw denim. “Basic doesn’t really go away,” Goshen said. “Everyone needs basic denim.”

The line will be made in waist sizes 28 to 44, said Darren Shepherd, a cofounder of Good Denim Co. But he made a point of stating that his company will only sell sizes that their retail partners request. “If a retailer says we’re only going to sell sizes 32, 34 and 36, that’s all we’re going to sell them,” Shepherd said.

Good Denim Co. also plans to break into the market by supporting an at-once business for retailers. “It’s in stock. They can buy what they need, and they can fill in the sizes that they sell,” Shepherd said.

Price points will be under $20 wholesale for Good Denim Co.

For more information, contact or Rob Goshen at (213) 489-1311.