Etsy Sellers Go From Retail to Wholesale

I occasionally run across a line that first launched on Etsy, the marketplace for handmade items from around the world. With one-of-a-kind items, it’s sometimes easier to start with Etsy’s direct-to-consumers approach before tackling wholesale selling through traditional means such as trade shows and showrooms.

Now Etsy is stepping in to help its B2C sellers take the plunge into B2B with Etsy Wholesale, a new program that connects Esty sellers with retailers. According to Fashionista, Etsy has been beta testing the program for the past two years and has placed some Etsy products in retailers such as West Elm and Nordstrom.

Sellers and retailers have to apply to be accepted into the program and there is a $100 flat fee for sellers plus a 3.5 percent cut of sales. The site is also offering wholesaling tutorials for Etsy sellers looking to learn the basics required.

Sounds like a great opportunity, right? Perhaps more for accessories designers than apparel makers. Etsy Wholesale’s Vanessa Bertozzi told Fashionista apparel comes with its own set of challenge, such as fit, sizing and drape, which makes it harder for retailers to evaluate online.

You can read more about the program here and here.