Mr. GK’s Fashion

When it comes to fashion George Khouri is only known by his initials GK. He produced his first fashion showcase at West Hollywood club Wax Rabbit on Dec. 13. New streetwear labels Dope Mafia, The Chase and Controversial Clothing gave previews of their lines. Take a look...


DaRon "Day Day" Bell,pictured left, in Dope Mafia with EQ, the designer of Dope Mafia. Along with being a DJ and a skateboarder, EQ is designing men's styles. "I've had a ton of fun being a woman in a man's world. Right now, streetwear is a boy's game. I'm here to help shatter that mold," she said. She'll design a Dope Mafia women's line in the future.


Derek Smith, designer of The Chase, talked about his line. “It’s New York Edge with California ease. It doesn’t look like the typical hang T-shirt," he said.


Jesse Diaz, designer of Controversial Clothing makes hoodies, beanies, T-shirts and fitted caps. "All of the clothes are L.A. inspired," he said.


Look who else showed up at Mr. GK's showcase? From left, Olga Limotinh, Danya Abilova and Leila Ciancaglini of program Hollywood Life with Leila.