P.R. Company's New Pitch to Designers
A new public-relations company has launched with its eye on young designers and start-up companies in California.
Los Angeles–based Pitch is the brainchild of three veteran public-relations and marketing executives: Pam Roberts, Shannon Estrada and Susan Lettween Carr.
“We are a press service for fashion companies seeking ongoing editorial at an affordable monthly rate,” said Lettween Carr. “It’s an alternative to a fullservice P.R. firm.”
The concept is to offer a basic service.
For a monthly fee, Estrada and Roberts will pitch clients to consumer and trade publications, as well as fashion-related programs on network and cable television.
The introductory fee is $400 per month with a six-month contract. The company is offering a discounted introductory fee for members of Fashion Business Inc., a Los Angeles–based nonprofit that assists start-up design businesses. “There are so many emerging designers that don’t have the funds or don’t want full-service P.R. at this point,” said Lettween Carr.
The next step is the “Pitch Portfolio,” a look book of all Pitch’s clients, which will be sent to editors and producers four times a year. Pitch will charge clients a nominal fee to be part of the portfolio.
The three plan to build a stable of noncompeting companies within 10 to 12 categories covering fashion and lifestyle.
As their clients’ businesses and publicrelations and marketing needs grow, Pitch offers an a la carte menu of services that includes event production, Web site development and media buying.
The three each have a long background in marketing and public relations.
Roberts has her own consulting company and is a fashion spokesperson for television and cable programs including “KTLA Morning News” and “Soap Talk.”
Estrada is the owner of Bottled Blond PR. Lettween Carr is the owner of the Lettween Marketing Group.
Roberts, Estrada and Lettween Carr will continue to work out of their own offices and operate their own public-relations and marketing businesses.
Pitch has been holding weekly meetings with potential clients every Tuesday at FBI’s resource center in The New Mart, and the three founders will continue to conduct the weekly all-day meetings. For an appointment or more information about Pitch, call (310) 453-4664. —Alison A. Nieder