Alpine Dam's The BoFax cap. Images courtesy of Alpine Dam.

Alpine Dam's The BoFax cap. Images courtesy of Alpine Dam.

Alpine Dam Starts With Marin

The recently launched Alpine Dam label makes caps inspired by the brand’s home of Marin County in the San Francisco Bay Area. There’s a lot to celebrate. It’s a place noted for its natural beauty; Marin is the home of Muir Woods National Monument and Point Reyes National Seashore. It is the residence for famous creatives such as George Lucas and members of the Grateful Dead. Also, the county enjoys one of the highest per capita incomes in the United States.

For its first outing, Alpine Dam brand focused mostly on Marin landmarks for the sporting set. There’s a cap called The Bolinas, named after a hamlet loved by surfers and artistes. There’s BoFax, named after BoFax Loop, a stretch of road popular with the county’s cyclists. For Marin history buffs, there’s The Radar cap, named after a Cold War era Air Force radar station on Marin County’s Mount Tamalpais.

But what about Marin landmarks off of the main tourist maps? Will there ever be a hat named after San Quentin State Prison? How about one named after the punk band’s Dead Kennedy’s song Moon Over Marin? Only time will tell.


Alpine Dam's Golden State cap.