Sourcing & Fabric: Textile Trends
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Line Up
Stripes go graphic and modern with designs ranging from fine-line patterns that mimic the look of architectural drawings to an abstract take on bold regatta stripes.
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Seeing Green
Textile designers are tapping into the moody side of green using shades of dark teal, wintergreen and sage for prints, lace, tweeds and novelty fabrics.
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Variations on Camouflage
Camouflage patterns are a perennial favorite for textile designers. New variations include adding a touch of shine, taking inspiration from the traditional color palette or rendering the camo pattern in piles of sequins.
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Burgundy Blend
Rich shades of burgundy lend a regal air to everything from traditional florals to abstract lace to printed velvets and fabrics with a metallic sheen.
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Black and Brights
Bright shades of pink, green, purple and orange are given an added visual pop when paired with black for bold stripes, oversized florals and abstract patterns.
A Plus Fabrics Inc., (213) 746-1100, www.aplusfabricsusa.com
Alexander Henry Fabrics Inc., (818) 562-8200, www.ahfabrics.com
Asher Fabric Concepts, (323) 268-1218, www.asherconcepts.com
Bella Tela, (323) 376-0625, www.jminternationalgroup.com
Cinergy Textiles Inc., (213) 748-4400, www.cinergytextiles.com
Confetti Fabrics, (323) 376-0625, www.jminternationalgroup.com
D&N Textiles Inc., (310) 503-6927, michael@dntextiles.com
Eclat Textile Co. Ltd., (213) 624-2633, www.eclatusa.com
Fabric Selection Inc., (213) 747-6297, www.fabricselection.com
Jay Ann Fabrics Inc., (213) 622-8272, www.jayannfabrics.com
La Lame Inc., (212) 921-9770, www.lalame.com
Malhia Kent, (323) 376-0625, www.jminternationalgroup.com
MG Creation, (212) 921-9770, www.lalame.com
NK Textile/Nipkow & Kobelt Inc., (949) 680-4743, www.nipkowkobelt.com
Robert Kaufman Fabrics, (800) 877-2066, www.robertkaufman.com
Solid Stone Fabrics, (276) 634-0115, www.solidstonefabrics.com
Solstiss Inc., (213) 688-9797, www.solstiss.com
Spirit Lace Enterprise, (213) 689-1999, www.spiritlace.com
Taiana Blu, 39 031994411, www.taiana.it
Texollini, (310) 537-3400, www.texollini.com
TGM International, (323) 376-0625, www.jminternationalgroup.com
Tissage Des Chaumes, (213) 688-9797, www.tissagedeschaumes.fr
Tricots Liesse Inc., (818) 789-0146, (213) 910-3896, www.tricots-liesse.com
Triple Textile Inc., (213) 629-4300, www.tripletextile.net