A look from Mario De La Torre's Style Week fashion show in West Hollywood. All images by Mark Gunter.
Style Fashion Week to Palm Springs
Just a few weeks after producing a week of shows in West Hollywood, Calif., Style Fashion Week is off to the desert playground Palm Springs to produce a set of shows which starts Nov. 9 and ends Nov. 12.
The Palm Springs show will be the third Style Fashion Week outing for designer Mario De La Torre, who also produced Style Fashion Week shows this year in West Hollywood and in New York City.
Other designers and brands scheduled to show include Julia Clancey, Any Old Iron by Andrew Clancey, Alexis Monsanto, Patricia Michaels, Anthony Rubio Doggy Couture, Joshua Christensen, Shanna Gall, Bohimi Couture, Richard Hallmarq, Sabrina & Mannings, G Fraga, Eddie Eddie by Billy Tommy, David Tupaz, Bijan Andre, Moods of Norway and Ina Soltani.
Style Fashion Week’s Palm Springs event is known for a consumer angle. A marketplace offering the participating designers’ looks is open during every show.