Express Presto  on its first day of business. Ana Martinez-Ayala, the owner, is behind the counter.

Express Presto on its first day of business. Ana Martinez-Ayala, the owner, is behind the counter.

Fashion District Favorite Takes A Bow at New Mart

Get your coffee cups ready. The café Express Presto took a bow in the lobby of the New Mart showroom building on Jan. 18.

The name Express Presto should sound slightly familiar to Los Angeles Fashion District people. Its sister café, L’Express Presto, has been serving coffees, cappuccino and treats in the California Market Center lobby for more than 25 years.

Express Presto has the same menu as L’Express Presto – think cappuccino mochas, the popular coffee toffee drink ,salads, parfaits and other sweets. Ana Martinez-Ayala, the owner, said that the new location was opened to help put a son through college and expand the Express Presto brand. Good luck Express Presto!