Warm and Fuzzy Side of Sourcing at MAGIC

The little stuffed animals piled up around a table at a Sourcing at MAGIC booth quickly attract your attention with the colorful prints and cute images of rabbits, monkeys and dogs.

The sign says that 10-year-old Menghan Lyu from Yiwu in Zhejiang province is selling the stuffed animals for $2 to $10 to raise money to help poor girls return to school in China. At the last Sourcing show, she raised enough funds to finance two girls successfully heading back to class.

Menghan buys the stuffed animals at wholesale and then turns around and resells them at the Sourcing show where her father, Zhifei Lyu, has a booth for Yiwu Tailor Apparel, which makes woven shirts.

Menghan was attracting a lot of attention.