The central cast of “Empire” includes Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson, both seated, and Andre Byers, Jussie Smollet and Bryshere Gray. (Photo courtesy of Fox)

The central cast of “Empire” includes Terrence Howard and Taraji P. Henson, both seated, and Andre Byers, Jussie Smollet and Bryshere Gray. (Photo courtesy of Fox)


Stars in Our Past


On the “Empire” website, you can check out what Taraji P. Henson’s character Cookie Lyon wears each week in “Cookie’s Closet.” (Photo courtesy of Fox)


Taraji P. Henson on the runway at a Junker fashion show in 2005 at the Avalon. (Photo by Giulio Marcocchi)

The pilot episode of Fox drama “Empire” got rave reviews and fantastic ratings when it debuted on Jan. 7, thanks in large part to Taraji P. Henson’s performance—and maybe in small part to her character's killer sense of fashion.

The Academy Award nominee for “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” plays Cookie, the ex-wife of musician-turned-music-mogul Lucious Lyon, played by Terrance Howard, who was also nominated for an Oscar for his work in “Hustle and Flow,” which also starred Henson. Wait! There’s more. Guest stars on the show include Oscar-nominated Gabourey Sidibe and Golden Globe-nominated Courtney Love, plus diva-in-chief Naomi Campbell.

In addition to Henson’s scenery-chewing performance, the character’s wardrobe is pure music-biz fabulousness—something the producers are clearly well aware of. In the “Cookie’s Closet” section of the “Empire” website, fans can check out the character’s “insanely over-the-top fashions” every week.

Cookie may be looking at an iconic fashion future, but I recently discovered Henson has an L.A. fashion past. Junker co-designer Giuliana Mayo reminded me that waaay back in 2005 Henson was a runway model in a fashion show produced by Mayo and Junker business partner Tod Waters at the Avalon in Hollywood.

Looking good, Cookie!