Shamees Aden’s 3-D printed shoe

Shamees Aden’s 3-D printed shoe


3-D Footwear: Custom-Fit Comedy Fodder

Here's a little fashion+ tech inspiration to kick off the New Year.

I stumbled across the image above of Shamees Aden’s 3-D printed shoe made from a “a synthetic biological material’ on PopSci and couldn’t really describe it better than PopSci’s Colin Lecher did:

“Are these goopy, 3-D printed monster shoe things what we'll all be wearing in 2090 when our alien masters release us from our body heat-harvesting liquid tanks for our daily walk through the dystopian hellscape of a ravished Earth? Almost certainly.”

Unless, of course, it’s Shaunacy Ferro’s perfect headline and subhead for Fast Company’s Co.Design site:

The Footwear Of The Future Looks Totally Gross

These shoes are 3-D printed, can regenerate on their own, and definitely resemble slime.

Ferro’s post has more (and creepier) photos of the shoes “growing” in a beaker.

And Lecher includes the image in a photo slide show that also features some beautiful images taken by NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory satellite, as well as an Earth Wind Map created from continually updated data from the National Weather Service.