Connected: Block Party With Shopping and Music
Technically speaking, Summer is not quite over. There’s still a week left of the season--plenty of time for a block party. And if there's shopping and music, too—all the better.
The Connected Festival kicks off tomorrow as a huge sample sale—meets—music festival—meets—downtown LA block party. Plus, organizers are collecting canned goods for a food drive and hosting a raffle that benefits for charity, as well. And there’s food (Cuban, Vietnamese, tacos and more).
Among the brands scheduled to participate: Skingraft, B:Scott, Generic Man and Generic Surplus, The Hundred, Han Cholo, Kill City, Lightning Bolt, Obey, KittinHawk, Rojas, RVCA, Unif and many more.
Organized by The Well and The Production Club, the event will be held at the LAZ parking lot at the corner of 9th and Hope Streets. The event runs from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and performances include: Amy Pham, Wildcat!Wildcat!, Natural Child, White Arrows, Blackfeet Braves and DJ sets by Hit City and Guns in the Sun.
Admission is $10 or $7 with canned food for donation.
There’s more information online.
It's a biannual event. Here is a little snapshot of the last event in March: