Lazr Trade Show Debuts in L.A.
Newtrade show Lazr opened fora threeday runon Aug. 13 at L.A. Live indowntown LosAngeles with a mix of footwear and accessories andan accompanying pop-up shop conceptthat invited consumers into the experience.
Theshow launched with nearly 40 exhibitors showcasingnearly 80 brands, including Michael Antonio, Seychelles, Dolce Vita, Zigi New York, Titan Industries, Marc Fisher Footwear, Matiko, NaughtyMonkey and Irregular Choice.
Openingday was “booked solid” with stylistsand press appointments,according toMichael Antonio’sTracie Wagner,who said astylist for Lady Gagawas among thevisitors to her booth.The company wasshowcasing everything fromthe high-end Michael Antonio Studio collection tothe core MichaelAntonio lineto its MA diffusion line.All the stylesin Michael Antonio and MA are vegan andcruelty-free, Wagner said, adding the companyis exploring upscale vegan options forthe high-end line, as well. In addition, the companyis using 80 percent recycled materials forits packaging, as well as soy inks for printedmaterials.
NewYork–based Zigi New York was also showcasinga broad mix of product, including thevery high-end Black Label, which features Swarovskicrystals and retail pricesthat range from $399to $1,600. The company alsobrought Zigi Girl, itsmore-contemporarypriced line;Zigi New York; themoderately priced Zigi Soho; juniors line Rock & Candy; and Ziggies, achildren’s footwear line thatrecently debuted for the independentmarket. With productionin China and Mexico,the company does bigbusiness with major retailers butcan also service smallerstores, said Zigi NewYork rep Larry Ping.
“Wehave a huge boutique base,”Ping said. “We don’thave huge minimums. If [the retailers] wantto try one style to see how it does, they can.”
Busy season
Formany exhibitors, Lazr was one stop amongmany in a busy trade show season. Theshow ran concurrently with Los Angeles Fashion Market and Transit, the shoe show atthe California Market Center, and one weekbefore the trade shows in Las Vegas, whichinclude MAGIC and itssister shows— WWDMAGIC, Project, Pooltradeshow and FN Platform—as well as severalother apparel, accessoriesand sourcing trade shows.
StephenPendergraft, national key accounts representativefor San Diego–based Naughty Monkey and Not Rated, was showing at Lazr andwould next head to Las Vegas for FN Platform andWWDMAGIC. The company sells toboth major retailers and independent fashion boutiques.
Atthe same time Zigi New York was showing atLazr, the company was also exhibiting inAtlanta and Dallas before heading to Las Vegasthe following week. “We leave the first weekof August and get home the first week of September,”Ping joked.
West Coast focus
TheLazr trade show is the brainchild ofJohn Ruffo, owner of Zoomn Inc. and a longtimefootwear distributor and retailer who helpedlaunch the FN Platform footwear show andserved as executive vice president for the footweargroup at ENK International.
Morethan 200 retailersregistered forLazr’s debut, accordingto show coordinatorKelly Croteau,who said shewas getting goodfeedback fromexhibitors aboutthe concept behindthe show.
“Thebrands havebeen really supportiveabout bringingfashion backto L.A.,” she said.
Severalexhibitors creditedRuffo with convincing them to participatein the show.
“Theguy running Lazr is the guy who introduced us toMAGIC,” said Zigi New York’s Ping.
LosAngeles’ fashion industry was also a drawfor many, including Zigi New York. The proximityto the Los Angeles market “is a naturalfit for us,” Ping said.
MichaelSu, chief executive officer for MichaelAntonio, agreed thatthe West Coast location was agood fit for his company,which is based inMontclair, Calif.
“Especiallyhaving it inL.A.—it makes sense,” hesaid. “L.A. is the other fashioncapital [of the UnitedStates], and it’s in ourbackyard,” he said.
Ruffosaid he planned to pollexhibitors to find the idealtiming for the next showbut said he thought showtiming will change in thefuture.
“We’vegot a limited amountof dates,” he said, addingthat it was likely future showdates will be close to Los Angeles FashionMarket dates but not overlap.
Theshow was held in an airy, air-conditioned tentlocated above a parking lot on the westend of L.A. Live. Several exhibitors— includingSeychelles, WSS, MichaelAntonio and Alegria—set up pop-up shops in the front ofthe show to sell in-stock goods to attendees. Thepop-up area also included shops organized by The Los Angeles Fashion Council and Brigade L.A.
“Everyoneis really embracing the venue,” Ruffosaid.
Therewere also several perks for attendees andexhibitors, including a free on-call shuttle travelingthe short distance between the L.A. FashionDistrict and L.A. Live for buyers who werealso attending Los Angeles Fashion Market. Therewere free daily lunches catered by WolfgangPuck. And on opening night, Lazr hosteda cocktail party in the J.W. Marriott’s Mixing Room bar, located adjacentto the showtent. A fashion show, featuring footwear soldat downtown L.A. retail boutique Brigade L.A., was also held onopening night.