Apparel News Daily Reader

Molly Sims to host new Lifetime show 'Project Accessory,'
hone in fashion background in competition
(New York Daily News)
Using Merino wool Norwegian textile makers win awards (Fibre2fashion)
Traditional, ancient accents at China Fashion Week (Reuters India)

Shoppers Look to Save by shopping early (Wall Street Journal)
China’s e-commerce focus shifts to B-to-C (Wall Street Journal)
Men’s Wearhouse Searches Facebook for the Well Dressed Man (Internet Retailer)
Bi-Partisan Group of Senators Working on Online Sales Tax Bill (National Journal)
US: Lawmakers seek changes in TPP apparel rules (Just-Style)
From the Big Apple Back to Bentonville
(Wall Street Journal)
Transistors are made from natural cotton fibers
Govt approves 21 textile parks
(The Hindu)