Drug Kingpins, Wannabes Love Ralph Lauren
La Barbie: Drug kingpin, nouveau riche, Ralph Lauren lover, trend-setter (image courtesy of The Guardian)
The Guardian is reporting that there is a new fashion trend emerging in Mexico. Thanks to their popularity among thugs in the Mexican drug cartels (and their penchant for getting arrested while wearing them), designer Ralph Lauren's iconic Polo shirts are no longer just for rich yuppies named "Chip" or "Sebastian" who wear seersucker on vaca in the Hamptons.
Kids in Mexico have begun to sport the style, buying cheap knock-offs on the street so they can look like drug traffickers. And the drug traffickers, tired of their cowboy boots and silky man-tops, started sporting the look to look more like the rich Mexican elite, who've been wearing Ralph Lauren forever.
Twinsies: Probably not the demographic Ralph had in mind. (left, Jose Jorge Balderas Garza; right, Edgar Valdez Villarreal, aka La Barbie)
Then again, look at this guy. He looks pretty tough.