'The Office's' Melora Hardin & LovingEco Fight Famine With Fashion

Melora Hardin has a knack for getting business done in the most outrageous -- and hilarious -- manner as no-nonsense manager Jan Levenson on the NBC hit The Office. But the Hollywood activist-actress is using a more fun approach for a new personal project, teaming with LovingEco, a members-only fashion website hawking eco-friendly brands, to raise funds for the charitable organization Village Empowerment.

Hardin is using her celebrity to hype the noble project, and the e-tail fashion outlet is donating 3% of net proceeds from this week's sales (through Sunday) to the Atlanta-based charity whose mission is to help the poorest of Africa's villages become self-supporting within 12 months through education and local volunteerism.

LovingEco, whose stock includes popular brands like Make Love Not Trash, Natural High Lifestyle and Souchi (pictured right), was established in part to help support social and environmental causes and maintains a revolving roster of benefitting charities and celebrity collaborators. While worthy charities benefit from the 3% take, consumers are offered discounts of up to 70% off on various sale items.

The nifty fashion forward idea certainly makes splurging on a new wardrobe feel a bit less intimidating.