Apparel News Daily Reader

Beautiful Moments (
Go North: Mint Sites Now Shipping to Canada (Racked)
Online Shopping Gets Fancy (Wall Street Journal)
The Best and Worst Magazine Covers of 2011 (Women’s Wear Daily)
Was 2011 The Year of the Collab, Or What?

Surfline Founder Sean Collins passes away (Shop Eat Surf)
Sears to Generate Cash by Closing Some Stores (Wall Street Journal)
Shoppers Take Advantage of Year-End Deals (The Washington Post)
Cherokee Moves Corporate Headquarters (Los Angeles Business Journal)
U.S. Stores Ramp Up Bargains As Sales Lag (Bloomberg)
Sears To Close More Stores as Holiday Sales Slump (Reuters)
Merchants Maintain Lower Inventories as Shoppers Pinch Pennies (Wall Street Journal)