Old Navy Goes Techno Hip
If you haven't noticed, there doesn't seem to be a "must-have" item this holiday season. Sure, cashmere sweaters are still popular, but how long have those been around? Fancy scarves? So last year.
So Old Navy, which has been doing pretty good on the retail front, has come up with a few gadgets that just may get shoppers out there in droves. Last year, the retailer introduced the "Techno Hoodie" with machine-washable ear buds. This year, the store has gone a few more steps into the techno world with "Techno Hats," which also have ear buds.
But my faves are the recently introduced electric rock guitar T-shirt and the electric drum kit tee that lets the wearer play music on their T-shirts! Parents should love this. No?
Mini handheld amplifiers, that attach to your belt, come with each T-shirt so you can strum or drum your T-shirt into headphones or the amplifier.
Toplay a chord, the user simply pushes down on a dot marked on the neck of theguitar and then makes a strumming motion. The electronic components can be easilydetached from the T-shirt for washing.
Such a bargain for under $25. And it lets you get some music off your chest.