Got Some Perfume for That Pistol?

Yes, The rich are different from you and me.

If you don't think that's true, look no further than the upcoming jewelry auction in New York of some gems that once belonged to Alice Appleton Hay. She was the daughter-in-law of Secretary of State John Hay, who served under the presidencies of William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. We're talking about the turn of the last century.

Apparently Ms. Hay had quite the collection and 40 items are being sold that represent a century of jewelry design. But one of the most unusual pieces is a gold and enamel pocket watch shaped in the form of a miniature flintlock pistol. When the trigger is pulled, don't expect bullets. Instead, the trigger prompts a flower to come out of the barrel and sprinkle the targeted victim with perfume.

I'm thinking that during this day and age, maybe you could substitute that perfume with some mace. Much more practical.

The 1805 time piece was made in Geneva by Moulinie, Bautte Cie for the Chinese market. There are fewer than 15 of them in the world, and it is going on the auction block on Wednesday morning at Doyle New York. The value of this unusual piece is estimated at $100,000 to $150,000.