2010 In Memoriam
California Apparel News remembers those in the fashion world who died in 2010.
bull;Former California Apparel News Executive Editor Michael Belluomobull;Textile representative Frank Blackbull;Designer Sylvie Cachaybull; California Apparel News account executive John Condonbull;Shoe designer Elisa Ferarebull;Fashion director Patty Foxbull;Textile representative Harold Friedmanbull;Shoe retailer Sally Ann Schiff Goodmanbull;Surfer and textile manufacturer Philip “Flippy” Hoffmanbull;Garment manufacturer Saul Koralbull;Economist Jack Kyserbull;Designer Marva Martindalebull;Punk impresario Malcolm McLarenbull;Designer Alexander McQueenbull;Model and designer Lisa Quillbull;Textile representative Mac Rosenbaumbull;Apparel manufacturer Larry Scharfbull;Chicago Apparel Mart showroom owner Marshall Stewartbull;Stonefield Josephson co-founder Joel Stonefield