To Recap: 2010, You Weren't So Bad

Dear 2010,

We had some ups and downs. In all fairness, you were waaay better than your pal 2009. So you've got that going for you. Still, I can't say I'm going to be sad to see you go. 2011 could be our year, you see. It's nothing personal. It's just that, well, 2011 looks like it may work out more. Plus, I'm hearing that 2011 is more financially stable and that means we could all bring home some more bacon. Which would be really nice, you know?

Let's not fight, 2010. Let's always remember the happy moments.

Jeggings! They're certainly not for everyone, but oh how they made us laugh!


Bloggers! Who continued to step up their game and took style photography off of the streets and into homes, studios and closets.

courtesy of Evans Group

Jobs! We didn't add very many jobs to California's fashion industry this year, 2010. But we didn't hemorrage them, either. We'll take what we can get.


Fashion's Night Out finally comes to L.A. You like us! You really like us!

Man Spanx! Because feeling weird about your body and shoving yourself into a sausage casing isn't just for women any more!