It's Hammertime at Live! On Sunset
Kanye West’s blog never disappoints in the perverse and often baffling number of items that he posts each day; and his sometimes bland, yet succinct, all-caps headlines. From his blog earlier this week, this headline: “HAMMER PANTS DANCERS CRASH TIGHT PANTS HIPSTER STORE.”
I’m on the fence about which part of this item amuses me more: the fact that Kanye West chooses “Tight Pants Hipster Store” to describe Live! on Sunset—a boutique headed by denim veteran Gerard Guez—or the surprising impact of the first two dancers in gold lame hammer pants shimmying back and forth across the screen at whiplash speed.
Some Internet sleuthing has uncovered that the stunt is also featured on the AE website for the reality TV show “Hammertime,” starring MC Hammer. This random act of public dance wrapped up as a viral marketing scheme is indeed a success because this is the first time I have ever heard of the show.