Letter to the Editor

The California Market Center has had the most successful January show in the country for many years. In spite of the present economic conditions, California achieved the strongest sales and buyer attendance in comparison to other markets—a fact that was echoed by many of our manufacturers.

There are many factors in play that contribute to a decline in sales and attendance. Our Southern California customers were surely missed. It was evident that their absence was due to a more conservative approach in buying. Since the L.A. showrooms are available to them anytime, as we are open every day for business, they chose not to participate in this local market and stay closer to their stores. This, coupled with the fall in attendance from regions around the U.S.—be it Florida, New York or Texas—along with the drop in international traffic, led to the further decline in our January market.

These stores travel to Los Angeles to see what’s happening in the market twice a year, either October or January for Spring/Summer and March or June for Fall/Holiday. Their absence to the Los Angeles Market is not only due to the present economic conditions, as reflected in the decline in their retail business, but cost of travel expenses.

It also bears mentioning that nothing exciting is driving the business. Contemporary trends are stalled, and denim is no longer the driving force. This combination is what fueled the success of our business for several years. The world is in an accelerated change, and our industry must once again come up with the next best thing.

On an up note, more customers will continue to travel to Los Angeles to do their buying. The reason: Everyone feels a little better buying where the action is and the action will return. Sincerely,Michael GaeRep Et Trois showroomCalifornia Market CenterLos Angeles

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