Non-News Notes From the Newsroom: Fashion-Smashion

I’m a writer. I write about fashion, specifically the business of fashion in and from California. It’s a good gig, and I like it a lot. Work can be anything from going to Miami for a week of fashion shows or touring denim factories and seeing jeans being born. It’s pretty self-explanatory. Still, sometimes people aren’t quite sure what to make of it when I say I write about fashion. Sometimes that confusion leads to awesome little fashion-related bits landing in my inbox.

Today, this wondrous gem, courtesy of my brother’s friend, fell into my inbox in a sort of “hey, fashion person, this seems like something you would need to know about” way. And, while professionally, it couldn’t be more useless to me, I feel it has brightened my life on a personal level.

It has fashion, dancing, pretty colors and Mr. T.

Mr. T, people!

Talking about fashion! While these people dance!

I can’t write about it in the paper, but I can share it all with you. I think you’ll agree it is transcendent.