Virtual Paper Dolls
"Oh My God! I just spent a half hour at work putting this outfit together online! Don't tell my boss!"
And I thought turning myself into a Mad Men illustration was fun.
What The Hellz?, the blog of L.A.-based women’s clothing line Hellz, turned me on to Looklet , a website where you can style an avatar, selecting from hundreds of jackets, dresses, tops, shoes and accessories.
There is no information about who created this hipster fashionista’s virtual paradise, except that the individuals behind it are “stylists.” Because only a stylist would sweat the layering details the way these creators did. Like giving you the option of wearing a scarf loose or wrapped around the neck; tucking a shirt in your pants or wearing it as is; and picturesque backgrounds that look like your avatar was stopped in the middle of the street and shot by The Sartorialist or Face Hunter.
Can you buy the clothes? (Not on this site you can’t.)
Does it tell you where you can buy the clothes? (Sort of. Each item usually links to the designer's website.)
So my capitalist instinct asks, Why does this exist? In the “About” page, the only answer we get is:
“Because LOVE! That's why. It's all about the love for creativity, style and old-fashion new-technology fun. We don't sell clothes, we create looks.”
Fair enough. But let’s hope that online shopping sites hurry up and hire these guys so I can buy this outfit.
Browse more than 450,000 looks that have been created and create your own here.
Looklet’s closet includes vintage items, like this red scarf; current looks from cool designers, such as this slouchy bag by ZadigVoltaire; and playfully random props, like this baby doll.