High-End Contractor to Grow Production

The Evans Group, the high-end contractor that specializes in contemporary and young-designer production, will be moving its production facilities to a larger space. The new space, at 7,500 square feet, is twice as big as the Evans Group’s current facility, which also houses patternmakers, samplemakers and other personnel. Currently, the Evans Group reserves 2,000 square feet for production at its facility in Los Angeles’ Toy District.

The move, which is set for Dec. 1, will allow the company to increase its cutting capabilities by four times, and add upwards of 70 additional sewers, said Jennifer Evans, the company’s founder. “We’re beginning to hire sewers now,” Evans said, adding that she hopes to complete all new hires within the next six months. Designers will see the contractor’s new production capabilities for the Spring 2008 season.

Besides giving the company room to grow, the move may also have the effect of lowering its production prices. “With a solid system now in place and the added space to grow, we will be able to reach economies of scale there by offsetting the high management costs of our company and ultimately lower costs,” Evans said. Additional hands will also ease production scheduling, which has been an issue for the boutique contractor.

When the production department moves to its new home, which is just one mile from the Evans Group’s current location, the patternmakers, samplemakers, a complete fitting room and small retail area will take over the original space. “We are very excited about finally reaching this point, which we had aimed for the end of the year to do. We feel this will allow us to truly service the market of smaller designers and revive domestic, high-end production,” Evans said.

Earlier this fall, the company opened a new San Francisco office, which is being used for fittings and sample sewing.

Evans hopes to continue to open similar locations in other cities. The Evans Group’s clients include Cosa Nostra, Society for Rational Dress, Jeremy Scott, Morphine Generation, Geren Ford, Juan Carlos Obando, Anzevino & Florence and Grey Ant.—Erin Barajas