Stiletto Killers Branch Out

Kelly Osbourne, daughter of famed rocker Ozzy Osbourne, along with co-designer and friend Ali Barone, is launching the Stiletto Killers Collection, a new division of their line Stiletto Killers, at the Pool Trade Show in Las Vegas.

Los Angeles–based Stiletto Killers makes loungewear featuring T-shirts, zip-up hoodies and sweat pants displaying angrygirl messages such as “I Hate You.” Barone said the new collection will be filled with playful, sexy 1950s- and 1980s-inspired designs. It is a sophisticated addition to the original line, which started with printed T-shirts that served as a venting platform.

“The best way to get back at a guy is to look fabulous,” Barone said. “You can wear a shirt that says, ’I’m not with stupid anymore,’ or you can throw on this amazing dress and look so sexy.”

Standout pieces include a super-short silk 1950s party dress and a pencil skirt with a bow on the rear.

Barone said that she and Osbourne have a thick skin when it comes to criticism about “another celebrity launching a clothing line” and are confident in the collection’s design quality. Barone noted that when Stiletto Killers loungewear showed at Pool last year, most buyers did not realize the line was linked to Osbourne until they were told.

Wholesale price points range from $30 for tops to $200 for a cashmere jacket. The Stiletto Killers Collection is only available at Pool, but Stiletto Killers loungewear is exhibiting at Pool and at MAGIC International in the Las Vegas Convention Center, sharing a booth with Los Angeles boutique Rosemary’s Billygoat.

For more information, call (213) 624- 6820, or e-mail —Rhea Cortado